Swimming Strokes And How They Evolved (1933)
Arranged by W. J. Howcroft and demonstrated by Miss Kathleen Introductory intertitle reads: Probably the original Eve watched a dog and tried to paddle High angle shot of a woman in a black swimming cap doing doggie paddle in a pool. Ages passed and the dog paddle gradually evolved into a breast We then see the breast stroke demonstrated. The search for speed brought the side Camera follows Kathleen as she demonstrates the side stroke. Later, the trudgeon superseded the side Strange sort of front crawl with a different leg kick is demonstrated. Further progress occurred when the crawl stroke was discovered. The legs are kept close together, with an upanddown thrash, thus lessening resistance to forward Camera follows Kathleen as she crosses the pool doing the front crawl. The crawl developed and speed became still She swims across the pool. Various shots of her swimming. In the same way the doublearm backstr