A CLASSIC HYMN Since Jesus Came Into my Heart ( Praise and Worship )
TRADITIONAL VALUES CHURCH ( Fundamentalist Christianity ) presents a timeless classic hymn: Since Jesus came into my heart. . ... ... .. 2 Corinthians 5:17 ( KJV ) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. ABOUT THIS MINISTRY This is a homebased internet ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will endeavor to offer literal house church meetings and oldfashioned tent meetings in the future as God blesses, leads and directs. The mission here is simple: To minister and feed the RAW and UNFILTERED word of God to the Body of Jesus Christ; not so that HIS sheep can become dependent on an earthly building, corporation, organization or 501c3 pastor, but so that HIS sheep will draw MUCH nearer to having a closer relationship with the Heavenly Father GOD and His Son Jesus the Messiah. Teacher and Evangelist David Michael instructs straight out of the King James bible without apology