Full concert Oberstufenchor Cusanus Gymnasium
LiveMitschnitt des Schulkonzertes Musik im Cusanus 12. und 13. Juni 2014 in der Stadthalle Erkelenz Oberstufenchor. Leitung: Michael Forg Live recording of the schoolconcert Music at the Cusanus, performed on June 12. and 13. , 2014 at the cityhall of Erkelenz by the Cusanus StudentChoir, conducted by Michael Forg. Sound: Wilfried Venedey, studio190 Video: Holger Siedler Africa (Toto) Every breath you take, Ill be missing you (Sting, P. Daddy) Someone like you (Adele, Dan Wilson) I can see clearly now (Holly Cole, Johnny Nash) Happy Ending (Mika) Heal the World (Michael Jackson) Hungriges Herz (Mia, Scala) Männer (Herbert Grönemeyer) Hamba Kahle (Zulu Traditional) Adiemus (Karl Jenkins) Here our new song on youtube Free your mind :) . .. thank you, around the world, for all your comments in the last years