The Roosevelt Story Reels 7 8 Spliced (1940 1949)
Reels 7 8 (spliced) Roosevelt renominated for a third term. Wendell Wilkie makes a speech. General Election footage: queues to vote, curtains being drawn behind people entering voting booths, a vote being placed in ballot box. Soldiers running with bayonets in their hands. Army men carry kit bags. Montage about World War Two. Russian army in Stalingrad. Warship meeting between Churchill and Roosevelt to discuss the Atlantic Charter. They sit and chat together on the deck of the ship. Sign reading Secretary of State Japanese come to America to talk peace critical voice over. Pearl Harbour. Aircraft take off from a hanger. Japanese aircraft ( ) Bombs dropped on American vessels. Aerial shots of bombs being dropped. Explosions. Roosevelt makes a speech about the attack on Pearl Harbour. Asks the Congress to declare a state of war between the U. S. and the Japanese Empire. Churchill and Roosevelt meet again to set up the Declaration of the United Nations. Plans to inva