Louise Odier Bourbon Rose, Plant Highlight
This is a video highlighting our beautiful rose, Madame Louise Odier (or Louise Odier). This rose is very fragrant and floriferous. We acquired this rose in 2018 from Heirloom Roses. It has grown tremendously since and has survived our harsh winters rather easily. It is about 6 tall with long arching canes. We pinned down the canes earlier this spring to encourage more blooms and it worked We haven t done anything special to get such a magnificent display. This is just Louise Odier, happy in her spot on the southeast corner of our home. We hope this video is helpful to those who want to see Louis Odier in all her glory in a landscape after two years. The home is located outside of Chicago, Illinois (USA) and is considered to be in USDA zone 5b. Music: Spanish Rose by Christ Haugen. ,GardenTours, IllinoisGardens, Roses, Gardendoodles, GDGardenTours, LouiseOdier, LouisOdierRose, DavidAustinRoses, Shrubs, ChrisHaugen