Those Who Have Forgotten God s Law of Life, WMSCOG, Church of God
The Sin of Adam and Eve Originated From Forgetting Gods Law Just as Adam and Eve sinned because they forgot Gods law, You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, whenever we forget Gods law, we commit sin and receive disasters. Even in this age, God says that the last disaster will come because the world has forgotten Gods lawthe Sabbath day and the Passover of the new covenant, and does not keep them. It Is God Ahnsahnghong Who Commands Us to Keep the New Covenant, the Sabbath Day, and the Passover Human beings are souls angels who sinned in heaven and were cast down to this earth. They can return to heaven only when they obey Gods word while they live on this earth. Just as King Hezekiah received blessings by keeping the law the Passover according to Gods word, the Church of God obey Gods will by keeping Gods lawthe new covenant. Deuteronomy 8:11 Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to ob