Benjy: Channel Trailer Pt. 3
Song: Bones by Imagine Dragons Alright y all today I finally finished my 3rd trailer for the channel. I started working on it a few weeks ago after I got inspired when the new trailer for The Boys season 3 was released and decided I wanted to create something similar for my channel. So here it is, I m pretty happy with this edit and I m glad to be able to share it with you all. I know this isn t one of the normal uploads but I hope you guys can find this enjoyable while I get another video together for y all. This trailer follows my normal trend of music video style edits, a style which I love to do and have been doing quite a while now, even in videos I never uploaded. And yeah, I went a little crazy with it at the end but that is what my channel s about, so you cant really blame me. Plus I had to pay homage to The Boys, so there is a healthy amount of the show sprinkled about. Also, I know I have lots of movies featured in this edi