8 Sleeping Habits KILLING Your Gains
Pick your program here Subscribe to this channel here The way you sleep can have a direct impact on the muscle gains you will ultimately see from your workouts. Im going to show you how 8 popular sleeping habits are possibly interfering with your ability to build muscle and remain injury free. Dont be embarrassed if you wind up finding out that you are doing at least a few of these. The important thing is that Im here to help. The first thing that you want to do before you even get into bed is stretch. Now Im sure youve heard that it is not good to do static stretching before working out but do you know why The reason is twofold. When you stretch before lifting you are interrupting the stored motor patterns that your body has to make movement efficient and memorable. This means, with the new muscle length provided by the stretching your bench press movement will not match up with the one that is stored. This leads to awkward pressing