Beethoven Moonlight Sonata Immortal Beloved
movie Immortal Beloved My angel, my very self Why this profound sorrow, when necessity speaks can our love endure without sacrifices, without our demanding everything from one another; can you alter the fact that you are not wholly mine, that I am not wholly yours Dear God, look at Nature in all her beauty and set your heart at rest about what must be Love demands all, and rightly so No doubt we shall meet soon; and today also time fails me to tell you of the thoughts which during these last few days I have been revolving about my life If our hearts were always closely united, I would certainly entertain no such thoughts. My heart overflows with a longing to tell you so many things Oh there are moments when I find that speech is quite inadequate Be cheerful and be for ever my faithful, my only sweetheart, my all, as I am yours. The gods must send us everything else, whatever must and shall be our fate your faithful Ludwig What a life as it is now ,