One of a series of survival training films made by the U. S. Army, this one dates to the 1980s and shows troops in forest terrain similar to what might be encountered in continental Europe. At mark 01:00, a platoon of soldiers is caught in an enemy attack, and their armored personnel carrier destroyed. Separated from their unit, they must now survive in the field with limited equipment and survival is a matter of life over death. At mark 3:11, we have the troops planning their survival with the little they have and travelling at night through the woods. At mark 5:50, the sergeant records the identity of those killed and missing in his team for the unit leader with their coordinates. This is also done for forced burial. A compass is not always available during survival situation; hence, sun can always be used on a stick about 3ft long to cast a shadow as seen at mark 06:25. The shadow is then marked and lines are drawn. This method is most accurate method used for direction finding. Another is with a watc