African Cichlids Aquarium 25
180 Gallon Tropheus Moorii and Ikola Tank with Universal Rocks 3D Feature Rocks This my newest setup. It s a 180 gallon Tropheus Tank. I installed the Universal Rocks 3D Feature Rocks background in it myself, along with hidding the 2 Fluval FX5 s intakes inside the Large Feature rock. The substrate is CaribSea s Aragonite. Back of tank is painted flat black. There is an Aquaclear 70 powerhead installed inside he right hand side corner rocks. There is a completely removeable access panel that allows for complete serviceability of the power head. The Live plants are Anubias and Valliseniria. I built the stand myself as well with PT 2x4 s, wood glue, Deck screws, 1, 2 SandePly, molded primed pine baseboard and some corner trim to trim out the doors. As well as all hardware and painted all flat black. once again, Filtration is 2 Fluval FX5 s. Heating is 200w + 300w and a Coralife 48 Dual Strip HO fixture with 18k and PowerGlo Roseline