Memphis Belle (10, 10) Movie CLIP Landing the Belle (1990) HD
Memphis Belle movie clips: j. mp, 1A297mv BUY THE MOVIE: j. mp, 17HQKTG Don t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: CLIP DESCRIPTION: The crew attempts to land the Memphis Belle with malfunctioning landing gear and only one working engine. FILM DESCRIPTION: Unabashedly sentimental, this war film was produced by David Putnam in partnership with Catherine Wyler, whose father William Wyler directed an acclaimed documentary about the reallife events depicted in the film. The ensemble cast is composed of ten young actors portraying the crew of the World War II B17 bomber Memphis Belle, anticipating their 25th and last mission before they will be able to go home. Having won fame with their exemplary war record and amazing lack of casualties, they expect their final assignment to be a cakewalk, but instead they are ordered to bomb Bremen, a heavily defended German city that will mean almost certain loss of life. Led by their experienced captain, De