Scurìu Wilhelmina ( EP 2022)
Scurìu started to conceive his first EP at the end of 2019 as an outlet for some personal events. The first track he composed was the dark ambient outro at the end of the release. It came out while he was in front of the computer in a free moment, only to decide as he composed all the work that this would be the final track. Although it is not his main genre, he likes from time to time to compose instrumental songs that are not metal but fit with the proposal. In the concept he decided not to start the story exactly from the beginning, but from the end, in which the dying character ( This my last dawn in this life ) presents a short background and then, track by track, tells his story. He is a huge fan of the DIY ethic and for this reason he decided to personally take care of his music as far as he could. Scurìu likes that sense of craftsmanship that he found in genres such as punk or black metal, as he also likes old Itali