The Ents Marching Song Clamavi De Profundis
Please check out our Patreon page We are very grateful for your support Twitter: Here is our version of Tolkien s poem, The Ents Marching Song We worked hard to interpret this in the spirit of Tolkien s work and hope you enjoy it:) A note on our interpretation: With this song, we tried to interpret what happened in the book as authentically as possible. The drums and sound effects are meant to represent the sound of the Ents marching through the forest on their way to Isengard. The song starts off with lower voices and a slower tempo and then slowly builds, showing how the Ents are at first slow to move but when angered can come upon you as quickly and suddenly as an avalanche. We hope you enjoy this as much as we do Thanks very much for listening and for your support We are unable to get permission to sell this song so we are posting it here free for your enjoyment. If you want a copy of the mp3, we are