Wackelkontakt Progress
In AntiOedipus, the first volume of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattaris monumental work Capitalism and Schizophrenia, the philosophers express their suspicion of Sigmund Freuds theory of the Oedipal triangle with a quote from playwright and poet Antonin Artaud: I dont believe in father, in mother, , got no, papamummy. These fractured lines provide the inspiration for the track and hallucinatory visual of the same name from Wackelkontakt, Jerusalems foremost psychotrap threepiece. Made up of MC Slice, aka Tomer Damsky, audiovisual artist Eyal Lally Bitton and producer Marco Milevski Tomasin, the trio have been collaborating on sound installations, multimedia performances and AV projects since 2018, operating at the vanguard of the experimental scene in Jerusalem. The groups singular sound and vision stems from their experiences of what they term the boiling life on the border between East and West Jerusalem, living a minute away from The Old Citys Damascus Gate and recording in the ultra