Quarantained, 7, Gameplay Mary Jane Randy, South Park Phone Destroyer
Mary Jane Randy is coming to South Park Phone Destroyer Mary Jane Randy is a 5cost Epic Superhero Fighter. Mary Jane Randy has a charge ability. When fully charged he spawns a potted plant that will attract surrounding enemies periodically. Mary Jane Randy stats: (lvl, Health, Attack) Base lvl 1, 400, 80 Max lvl 2, 588, 117 Max lvl 3, 896, 178 Max lvl 4, 1174, 233 Max lvl 5, 1309, 261 Max lvl 6, 1427, 285 Max lvl 7, 1500, 300 Challenge, Friendly: 500, 100 Potted Plant stats:(lvl, Health, HP loss, sec) lvl 1,