Where Can I Find All The Bizarre Nasim Aghdam Najafi Videos : o
C evidence here: UBoob has been putting FAKE (zeroevidence) content strikes against my account in breach of their contract (so my Deathrape channel may B deleted soon ). It s E Z 2 prove in court 2 win me other cla action award not that I really even give a fuk. Nasim was psycho )) I just find Youtube s corruption fascinating, like Facebook their KILLWHITEY krap banning conservatives. I uploaded a copy of the video UBoob banned here on Vimeo : Go check it out ) Oh the SAME STUFF They don t mind THAT one, or the endless other chicas car audio videos. They R ILLEGALLY violating their own TOS contract by pretending 2 think I don t comply with it BOOO P May start a web site where The