How to Paint DEATHWING TERMINATORS, Old Skool vs New Skool, Dark Angels, Warhammer 40k
In this video we paint up 2 different Deathwing schemes for your Unforgiven armies , darkangels, 40k, paintingwarhammer That other scheme at the end is in this book Miniature Painting Made Easy Paints Used: GW Zandri Dust GW Thondia Brown GW Death Korps Drab GW Mephiston Red GW Evil Suns Scarlett GW Loren Forest GW Creed Camo GW Skeleton Horde GW Rakarth Flesh VMC Black VMC Ivory Tamiya Flat Earth Tamiya Flat Flesh Oils ABT 502 Shadow Brown, Sepia, Black GW: Games Workshop VMC: Vallejo model colour VMA: Vallejo model air VGC: Vallejo game colour VGA: Vallejo game air VMCS: Vallejo metal colour series S75: Scale 75 AK: AK Interactive W N: Winsor Newton PATREON COMMISSIONS AIRBRUSHES Affiliate link DISCORD WEBSITE Wet Palette used Paint brushes used Music: Readers Do You Read by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Source: Artist: