1982 Bar Bend, Worlds Strongest Man
How would you complete the Bar Bend event if given the chance Click here to SUBSCRIBE: Created in 1977, The World s Strongest Man has become the premier event in strength athletics. For over 30 years, the strongest men on the planet have come together in a series of unique and amazing tests of strength to determine The World s Strongest Man. The competition has travelled to stunning and varied locations such as Zambia, Iceland, Mauritius, Malaysia, Morocco, China and the USA. For over three decades The World s Strongest Man has tested the limits of human strength, power, and endurance. The best strongmen on the planet and the most demanding challenges including Fingal s Fingers, Truck Pull, Dead Lift, Giant Farmers Walk, Plane Pull and the Atlas Stones have made the event a highlight in the TV calendar and the show a family favourite with a worldwide audience of over 220 million people. Visit the official WSM website: Follow WSM on Twitter: Like WSM on Facebook: