Shogun: Lord Yoshi Toranaga Dances Anjin San s Blackthornes Shanty Dance In Osaka Castle
Shogun: After watching AnjinSan dance his Blackthorne s Shanty Song and Dance (Words and Music By Eric Bercovici), Lord Yoshi Toranaga (Toshiro Mifune) decides that he will dance AnjinSans (Richard Chamberlain) dance with him. As The Lady Toda Buntaro Mariko (Yoko Shimada), The Lady KiriSama, LakoSan, SonoSan, AsaSan, and Samurai Warriors laugh and clap as AnjinSan and Lord Toranaga dance The Fare Thee Well Sailors Dance together Everyone is entertained, and Lord Toranaga gifts a gold overshirt to AnjinSan and says that perhaps one day, Lord Toranaga will teach AnjinSan a Japanese Dance. Shogun, The MillionsOfCopies Sold Novel, was written by James Clavell. The Masterpiece Television Mini Series was Produced by NBC and Paramount Studios, Directed by Jerry London, Screenplay by Eric Bercovici, Director Of Photography Andrew Laszlo, Production Executive Frank Cardea, with Production Designer Joseph Jennings. Shogun starred: Richard Chamberlain (as PilotMajor John Blackthorne),