Joy And Sorrows Aka Festival And Disaster (1957)
Agrigento, Sicily, Italy International Folk Festival. CU. Branches on almond trees blossoming (two shots). GV. Agrigento, crowds assembled (two shots). LV. British Royal Marines band marching between the crowds of onlookers. Front view, towards and past, Marines band playing marching along. LV. People coming by on horses and carts. The horses are well dressed up and people are banging tambourines. LV. Girls going by on float waving tambourines. LV. Group dancing (couples) round two men playing fiddles, GV. SV. Group of men in traditional costumes dancing in a ring they look Swiss or German wearing lederhosen and doing slapping dance GV. Crowds watching. LV. Crowds milling about in front of historic building. Building is rather damaged it looks as if it has been splintered by shrapnel during war. SV. Men dancing in front of the old building dressed up as horses (two shots). LV. Sitting crowd applauding. LV. Men and women dancing in front of the old building in traditional costume. Scaletta,