WELLNESS FITNESS Best ever in Sweden IFBB Elite PRO SHOW Jan Tana Classic with Catwalk
Wow the most amazing and best ever Wellness Fitness Class and first ever Elite Pro Show in Sweden was held In Stockholm. The Jan Tana Classic was an incredible show with Wellnes Fitness Athletes from around the world The wellness Fitness athletes presented themselves on a Catwalk, Runway and then on the stage The competitors in This IFBB Elite Pro Show was the following: Number 202: MARIA JOSE GARCIA LOPEZ, Spain Number 203: FERNANDA OLIVEIRA PIGNATON, Brazil Number 205: EVERLYN OKINYI, Kenya Number 206: ANGELA RUGGERI, Italy Number 208: RAQUEL SANTOS, Finland Number 209: TUULI LINDSTROM, Finland Number 210: YASMINE DIA, France Timestamps: 00:00 Jan Tana Intro 00:12 Wellness Fitness Runway start 02:20 MARIA JOSE GARCIA LOPEZ, Spain Wellness Fitness Presentation 03:06 FERNANDA OLIVEIRA PIGNATON, Brazil Wellness Presentation 03:47 EVERLYN OKINYI, Kenya Wellness Fitness Presentation 04:24 ANGELA RUGGERI, Italy Wellness Fitness