STANDING WAIST EXERCISESBest Exercises for abs waist Do every das to tighten the waist flat belly
Sure, here are some effective standing waist exercises that can help with your abs and waist: Standing Side Crunches: Stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart, place one hand behind your head, and crunch your torso sideways towards that hand. Repeat on both sides. Standing Oblique Twists: Hold a light dumbbell or a medicine ball with both hands and twist your torso from side to side, engaging your obliques. Standing Bicycle Crunches: Stand with your feet hipwidth apart, bring one knee up towards your opposite elbow while twisting your torso. Alternate sides. Standing Trunk Rotations: Hold your hands together and arms extended in front of you. Rotate your torso from side to side, keeping your hips stable. Standing Leg Raises: Stand with your feet together and lift one leg out to the side, engaging your obliques. Lower the leg and repeat on the other side. Remember to pair these exercises with a balanced diet and regular cardio to achieve a flat belly. Consistency is key, so aim to do th