Sam Max War Song
The full season is available now on XBLA and PC, Mac XBLA: PC, Mac: Sam Max Season 1 It s a vile world out there. Get too complacent and all sorts of weirdos start coming out of the woodwork. Good thing Sam Max are here to hose down the sleaze and keep some kind of peace. Violently, if possible. Who are these irreverent crime fighters Sam s a sixfoot tall canine shamus with a love of justice. Max is a hyperkinetic rabbitything with a taste for mayhem. Together, they re a team of freelance police officers, on a mission to take down a bizarre mindcontrol conspiracy. Get ready to meet some offkilter characters and to puzzle through some braintickling conundrums. Grab your Wii Remote, sit back on the sofa and get ready for some sidesplitting humor Facebook: Twitter: