Money Monster Digital signage for prevention of COVID 19 spread
Digital signage for prevention of COVID19 spread 코로나19 확산 방지를 위한 언택트 소통 플랫폼 디지털 사이니지 Along with the COVID19 spread, theres been growing concerns over having direct contacts with others. And it has led to the rise of nonfacetoface consumption. Digital signage, which can deliver various information more rapidly and conveniently through impressive videos, has been closely connected with peoples daily lives. Digital signage, which is a tool for more effective delivery of information, has recently been used to provide information on the local district. The Nowongu district in Seoul has recently built a paperless digital publicity board based on the digital signage, for the first time in the country. Instead of the existing ways that stick the paper to the wall, a remote management system has been introduced for realtime delivery of information in a form of an electronic document. Considering the growing popularity of nonfacetoface ordering services since the COVID19 outbreak, a domestic coffee sho