HSK 4 Vocabulary List 600 intermediate Chinese Vocabulary Words (in 1 hour), Learn Chinese
You can download the MP3 and PDF for onthego learning at Do you want to understand fast Chinese conversations Our structured course EverydayChinese101 makes it easy to understand fast Chinese conversations in real life Signup for free trial here: If you learn Chinese for HSK, visit and try our structured Chinese Course for HSK 1, HSK 2. .. Have you finished our HSK 1, HSK 2 and HSK 3 vocabulary lessons If so, let s move on In this lesson, we will teach you all the HSK 4 vocabulary words to help you have a review for HSK 4 vocabulary list and pass HSK test level 4. Each Chinese word will be read twice. In the fist time, the character of the word will be shown. In the second time, you will see the pinyin and meaning of the word. Try reading aloud along with the video or audio repeatedly so that you can remember all of them. Were makin