Michael Langdon, Lovely, AHS
HD recommended Warning: Spoilers for the finale, graphic images My AHS, Michael playlist: Michael deserved way better than that death. We all knew he was probably going to die and that was not the problem. It s the way it happened. Sorry, this edit is really simple. I kept tearing up so I didn t feel like adding effects. It s crazy, the finale was a few days ago and I m still not fine at all. Guess I ll go read fanfiction now :) AHS Apocalypse is one of my favorite seasons ever now. Michael quickly turned into one of the best characters thanks to the brilliant acting and all the development. I hope Cody Fern will be part of the cast in the future. Fandom: American Horror Story Apocalypse, Season 8 Character: Michael Langdon Song: Coloring: LightningxDisaster Software: Sony Vegas Pro 13 , fanvidfeed, michaellangdon, michaeldeservedbetter Edited by Alana Crane Copyright Disclaimer Under Se