Tech4 Good 2021 : New Deals Public Policies, France Korea FKCCI French Tech Seoul
Keynotes: New Deals Public Policies WELCOMING SPEECH 00:00:08 Isabelle MORIN, VicePresident, French Tech Community Seoul SPEAKERS PRESENTATIONS 00:00:35 Solomon MOOS, French Tech Community Seoul, President, Eurazeo, Director Investment Partners Asia 00:03:27 DavidPierre JALICON, Architecte DPLG CEO, Chairman, Partners Architecture, FKCCI 00:07:38 Cedric O, French Secretary of State for the Digital Sector 00:13:14 H. E. Mr. YOO Daejong, Ambassador, Embassy of Korea to France 00:17:45 H. E. Mr. Philippe LEFORT, Ambassador, Embassy of France to Korea 00:27:34 Cedric LEGRAND, Managing Director, FKCCI 00:34:11 Jeehyun BANG, Deputy director, Ministry of SMEs and Startups of Korea Tech4Good Summit 2021 France, Korea and beyond was an online event held by the French Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry and French Tech Seoul and dedicated to innovation for a better tomorrow. Aside from multiple conferences the event hosted a pitch contest on Tech4Society and Tech4Earth to showcase innovatio