Cm Punk
Anaconda vise1 GTS Go To Sleep (Fireman s carry dropped into a knee strike to the face)1 2007present Signature moves Arm wrench followed by stepping a leg over the wrenched arm and performing a mule kick with the leg below the opponent s face14 Diving crossbody6 Double underhook backbreaker14 Jumping hammerlock twisted into a shortrange lariat6 Onehanded bulldog80112 Rope hung arm trap can opener112 Running high knee to a standing opponent in the corner14 followed by catching the opponent s head to perform a running bulldog113114 Slingshot somersault senton614 Snap scoop powerslam114 Spinning wheel kick115 Springboard clothesline6112113 Stepup enzuigiri14 Suicide dive6 Tiltawhirl backbreaker614 Nicknames The (first and only) Straight Edge Champion The Straight Edge Superstar 1 The Second City Saint Mr. Money in the Bank 6682 Entrance br, br,