Rap Vocal Synthesis Demos Ritchys Ruff em up and D Lins Phoenix Reincarnation
Listen to Ruff em up and Phoenix Reincarnation, demo songs for our new singing voice databases, Ritchy and DLin, respectively. Ritchy is a rap AI voice database based on the hip hop artist MBanja Ritchy, also known as BBandj. DLin is a Chinese rap voice that delivers a higher range and a brighter tone in comparison to Ritchy. While Ritchy and DLin are both still under development, we want to share our progress with users and have decided to offer them for free through a FeatureLimited Trial (FLT) that includes the enablement of the highquality rendering mode, subject to restrictions. You may download these FLT versions at Please note that you need version of Synthesizer V Studio to be able to utilize these. For more information on this update, head to Follow us: Facebook Instagram Twitter (JP) Twitter (EN) Official Website