Thorn Crawling Worship Full Album 2021
Crawling Worship is Thorn s debut sacrificial offering, a disgusting 30 minute ritual, brainchild of Brennen, who you might know from Fluids (another sick fucking band). I already knew the album was going to be good, based on the debut EP released last year, but fucking hell this is even better that what I expected. If I had to describe this, I would say Thorn s debut is the 3way bastard son of diSEMBOWELMENT, Cerebral Rot and Incantation s sludgier, more knuckle draggin moments. Admitedly it takes a while to pick up some pace, it is not an album that instantly crushes your brain with the best riffs. It s an album that rewards those that stick around, for the best tracks are found towards the end of it. It s not afraid to venture beyond the traditional schemes for death metal, including unusual sample and melodic breaks that, somehow, fit perfectly unlike what you might think. If you are looking to be ritually murdered as a gift to elder gods, being skinned alive, having your lungs carved out, brain crushi