Was this composer BETTER than BACH
Unique comparison between two great Baroque classical composers, J. S. Bach and Scarlatti. You can decide who was the better composer. Featuring David Louie Produced, Filmed, and Edited by Nahre Sol David Louie s Channel: All footage used follows fair use guidelines. Correction: the picture at the beginning is not of Domenico Scarlatti, but his father, Alessandro ( ) Support me and the channel through Patreon Sheet music to these VIRTUOSIC runs: My Piano Intensive Video Course: Instagram nahresol Twitter nahresol Facebook practicenotes MicroKorg: Main Keyboard: Camera: Lens: Loop Pedal: Portable Recorder: Recording Interface: Microphone: 90 Degree Tripod: (Affiliate links that contribute to my channel) Check out my playlists to better navigate videos on my channel, and thank you for subscribing :) As always, thank you so much for watching, and thank you to all of you that leave comments. , bach, scarlatti, comparison