William Gibsons Alien 3 Issue 4 (2018, Dark Horse) Review
The events at Anchorpoint spiral out of control as Xenomorphs attack. Hicks has the only weapon (with limited ammo) and escape might be impossible. Can the employees of WaylandYutani survive This miniseries is based on the unproduced screenplay from legendary cyberpunk writer William Gibson. Adaption script and art by Johnnie Christmas with color art by Tamra Bonvillain and letters by Nate Piekos of Blambot. Based on a story by William Gibson. Is this issue worth picking up Find out in this episode Support the Channel: Patreon: Kofi: StreamLabs: SubscribeStar: Merch: I m on a podcast over on Poly Dub s channel every Wednesday around 10pm(ish) EST (Actual start time is usually later). On this mature audience broadcast, we discuss news, drama, and other topics related to comics and pop culture: www.