Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence Sapien Medicine
This draws from the work of Dr Gregg Braden and the magnetic field of the heart. The Earth s magnetic field rises, falls, and regulates everything from climate to ice caps and sea levels. This magnetic field joins all life on Earth from a blade of grass, to an ant, to a goldfish, to a hamster, to us. When many of us come together and create a common feeling, that experience is called Coherence can actually be measured. It is 0. 10 Hertz. That is the measurement of the coherence created between the heart and the brain. When we create this coherence inside our bodies, it triggers about 1, 400 biochemical changes. Antiaging processes begin. DHEA levelthe lifegiving hormonesurges in our bodies. Our immune systems become really strong. We think more clearly. We become less aggressive. The magnetic fields of the heart are now being documented. (Quoted from Dr Braden s work) This works directly on building, restoring and enhancing that coherenc br, br,