Third Eye Chakra, Open Third Eye, Raise Intuitive Power, 3rd Eye Meditation, Chakra Healing
Ajna is the sixth chakra. Its name means knowing, perceiving and also having command over our mind. It is also called the third eye chakra, the nonphysical eye that is able to perceive the deepest reality of existence. It has the function of perceiving and seeing beyond appearances and reality itself. It is the seat of creative imagination, intellectual abilities, and memory. When Ajna is deficient there is a tendency to selfishness, cynicism, excesses in rationality, it is difficult to see and imagine reality in a different way from how it is perceived, it is no longer possible to dream or plan the future, you dont follow your intuition and find it hard to stay focused or remember things. Namaste You can download this track with the titles Third Eye Chakra, Ajna and Open Third Eye here: Amazon: or listen to it on: Spotify: Deezer: YouTube Music: Na