Melodic Progressive House Mix: Take It All In ( Hopeful Skies 180)
Hopeful Skies is a weekly series where I highlight some of the best recent tracks in the progressive house scene. Each mix includes several of the most recent tracks that I think will become classics in no time, though I slip in some longtime classics here and there too. In addition to progressive house, I also show some love to deep house and trance as well. This series airs every Sunday at 11:00 PST. Link to HouseMixes version: TRACKLIST: 1. zensei ゼンセー Delaney Kai sound therapy Monstercat Silk: 00:00 2. Sacso Fresh Air Self Released: 4:04 3. Matt Leger Alex Pich Tales Of The Silent Voice Sekora: 8:20 4. Breaking The Bubble Serendipity Summer Melody: 14:14 5. Guy Didden Take It All In Colorize: 19:23 6. Tom Bro Peaceful (Lepo Remix) Summer Melody: 23:31