Funny Celgaming Battlefield 3 Jet Camping Trolling, Griefing Montage ( HD)
From our live show ( ) to a YouTube montage, Battlefield 3 PC Beta jet camping minigame. Player, caster: Cel, editing made by Jellykuf (Fukhead on the thank you very much Jellykuf, Fukhead His YouTube: You can also find the video there Like the video Subscribe You can make your own version by going to: and downloading the whole cast and clipping it how you like or watch how innocently the trolling starts. What the hell is happening in this video I play RAGE one night and finish it and on the early hours of Sunday I am very tired and decide to play some BF3 by request of the viewers. When I m tired, I can be a bit of an ass to my teammates. Friendly fire is OFF on this server but just like in Battlefield 2 you can jump out the vehicle and as it moves on and no longer is driven by a player it won t count as a team kill and the br, br,