Beelzebeat Mondo Trasho Or A Strange Walk On The Filthy Side LP FULL ALBUM (2017 Grindabilly)
Grindabilly band from Padua, Italy since 2015. This is their first full length album. Released in April 2017 on vinyl LP format by ZAS Autoproduzioni, Punti Scena Records, Green Records, Noisemongers Records and Trivel Records. Digital format: Tracklist: 1. Beelzebeat 0:00 2. Eat My Rock 1:24 3. Mustard Monster 3:20 4. Chickens Fight 5:31 5. Satan s IceCream 7:34 6. Carbonara Youth 10:22 7. My Lovely TRex 11:54 8. Dirty, Fat and Noisy 14:46 9. My Hand Is My Girlfriend 16:35 10. Rectal Twin 19:07 11. Filth Is My Life 22:34 12. Gangster Hamster 26:13 More info at: Beelzebeat Labels http