Doctor Who: The Three Doctors Teaser Trailer
UNIT HQ comes under attack by an alien force, and the Doctor has no other option but to call on his own people, the Time Lords, for help. Breaking the first Law of Time, the first two Doctors are lifted out of their timestreams and sent to help the third. But in a universe of antimatter, an allpowerful figure from Time Lord history is waiting, and even three Doctors may not be enough to stop This is a teaser trailer for the sixtyfifth TV story of Doctor Who, The Three Doctors. , TheThreeDoctors, ClassicWho, DoctorWho I do not own the clips they belong to the BBC. I have uploaded this for entertainment only not for profit. Don t forget to comment, rate, subscribe and most importantly enjoy Tags: The Three Doctors, Carnival of Monsters, Frontier in Space, Planet of the Daleks, The Green Death