Earth The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull
I don t own this. Go buy it if you enjoyed The Bees Made Honey In The Lion s Skull (2008) If you like Earth (the old stuff) some other bands to check out are +Sunn o))) is the most obvious one, a real tribute to Earth and they have really taken the sound of Earth 2 unto a whole new level (they even have a song called +Dylan Carlson, which is Earths front man) +5ive (not the pop band) +Bong +Boris Amplifier Worship album for example is really good +Sleep Research facility (but more like ambient music) +OM Featuring Al Cisneros from Sleep (not much distortion or amplifier worship but a bit ritualistic and more droning than Sleep i think) +Bongripper Hippie Killer album (for example) I m not gonna reccommend Sleep like some did even though an awesome band i don t think it sounds much like this.