Architect A (건축가 A) Trailer
Synopsis A, who runs a small architectural firm, is a special architect who builds houses using clients memories as materials collected from their lives. However, due to an unfortunate accident, he has stopped building. One day, an elderly woman comes to visit A. She hands over a fishshaped wind chime that A and his wife had created long ago and requests him to build her a house. 도시 외곽에서 작은 건축사무소를 운영하는 A. 그는 의뢰인의 기억, 즉 삶에서 수집한 재료로 집을 짓는 특별한 건축가지만, 불의의 사고로 인해 건축을 그만둔 채 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날,