Irish Pilgrims Fly To Lourdes (1949)
Full title reads: Irish Pilgrims Fly To Lourdes. Dublin Airport, Eire, Southern Ireland, Republic of Ireland. SV Pilgrims checking with hostess and going aboard Air Lingus aircraft Sabena Skymaster. CU Hostess ticking off names. SV Clergyman going aboard. MV Pan boy with leg problems walking towards plane. He looks round. MV Towards and pan Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Rev Dr McQuaid walking towards aircraft. MV Children looking from window of aircraft. SV Dr McQuaid standing on steps of aircraft. MV Towards parents carrying child in carrycot. CU Physically disabled baby in carrycot. SV Aircraft engine starting up. SV Aircraft taxiing out. LV Underwing of aircraft ambulance discharging patients. SV Woman on stretcher being brought from ambulance and carried to steps of aircraft. MV People on airport building waving. SV Man on stretcher being carried to aircraft. LV Stretcher men placing stretcher in aircraft. SV Ambulance men carrying girls up steps of aircraft. MV Girl wearing tartan skirt