Cycle Polo (1958)
Purley, Surrey. L, S of several boys dressed in black and orange tops and shorts, they are tinkering with bicycles. M, S as 16 year old John Woodger turns the top of his sock down, he then puts a protective pad on the other shin and pulls the sock up. C, U of Bernard Taylor adjusting the handlebars with a spanner, C, U of the handlebars which have been customised with one side shorter than the other. M, S of the boys working on a bicycle. C, U of the chain and M, S as they move the pedals round. C, U of Charles Holdsworth. The narrator explains they are getting ready for a game of bicycle polo. M, S as two men examine the ball, one of them is referee Bob Reddin, C, U of the ball which is made from bamboo root. M, S of Mark Stevens looking at the polo mallet. The young men from Queen Mary s Boys Club are playing the local The club leader, Ted Denman, gives a mallet to a boy and they all ride off. M, S as the referee blows the whistle and M, S as the boys ride up. L, S of the referee as he blows the