Tutor АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ ДЕТЕЙ 3 5 ЛЕТ. Учимся играя ( RUS 3 The Tower of Pisa)
Interesting links: Vkontakte: Instagram: Telegram: t. me, doubledamage In this video I will analyze the main pros and cons of working with applied material. I will appreciate the design, comfort and attractiveness of this game. I will review the game with Tower of Piza, consider the options for playing with blocks and game is designed for preschool children as an option to interest the child in learning English. This category has an entertaining and informative character. I Express the opinion of an ordinary teacher, not an international expert, so all the shortcomings write in the comments, I will improve my work. To receive and order applied material for classes with children and the rest of the commercial proposals to the mail marked TUTOR RUS :