Lets Build a RUST Web Assembly Frontend App With Yew
WebAssembly opens the door for frontend developers to use languages that don t compile to JavaScript, like Rustlang. These technologies (rustlang yew) will change web development We use jssys, websys, and friends to power this web application. 00:00 Introduction 00:04 What We ll Build (yew vp9 video streaming app) 00:41 Setup 01:19 Creating basic yew app structure 02:25 Running barebones app 02:42 How to call browser javascript frameworks from rust 03:26 Creating the skeleton of the yew app 05:06 Running the skeleton app 05:24 Connecting the WebCam 09:33 Testing Webcam with the Browser 09:57 Setting up the VP9 WebCodec Encoder 15:40 Things go sideways installing local libraries via cargo patch 18:14 Setting up the VP9 Encoder Part 2 20:40 Testing VP9 Encoding with the browser 21:03 Communicating Producer and Consumer using getcontext 23:38 Connecting the Consumer to the Context 31:20 Debugging 33:54 Demo a