Line Of Fire The Six Day War
history: After the 1956 Suez Crisis, Egypt agreed to the stationing of a United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) in the Sinai to ensure all parties would comply with the 1949 Armistice In the following years there were numerous minor border clashes between Israel and its Arab neighbors, particularly Syria. In early November, 1966, Syria signed a mutual defense agreement with Soon thereafter, in response to Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) guerilla activity, 1314 including a mine attack that left three dead, 15 the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) attacked the city of asSamu in the Jordanianoccupied West Jordanian units that engaged the Israelis were quickly beaten King Hussein of Jordan criticized Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser for failing to come to Jordan s aid, and hiding behind UNEF In May 1967, Nasser received false reports from the Soviet Union that Israel was massing on the Syrian Nasser be