Drum Talk TV Brian Tichy Speed Bagging to Limelight by
How do you stay in shape Check out Brian Tichy speed bagging to Limelight by Rush Here s Brian: I had the good fortune to open for them with Vinnie Moore (and John JD DeServio for BLS) Back in 1991 on the Roll The Bones tour. Mr. Peart graciously let this kid play his kit at Madison Square Garden (Still a total highlight of my life ). Since Tom Sawyer kicked my ass in 7th grade, Neil Peart has been one of my top 2 all time favorite drummers Anyhow, I haven t practiced the fine art of Speed Bagging or Punch Drumming (playing the bag in time) in years, but it s sort of like riding a bike or playing the So I was determined to, with no misshits, get through the mighty LIMELIGHT before I go on tour. Well, I lost it at the very end while pulling rope boxer style, but hey , it was the ending of like the 100th take It s good enough for now Hope YA dig it If you re into drums, Rush and sweatin it up, put a speed bag in your garage, buy Alan Kahn s Speed Bag Bible, go watch some Speed Bag Sku