10 Giant Animals You Probably Didnt Know Existed
From foxes that fly to giant horses as big as elephants, here are 10 giant animals you never knew really existed. Subscribe to Epic Wildlife 10. Giant Mekong Catfish The deepest part of the ocean has all types of terrifying wildlife. Youll need to be careful not to become a tasty snack for some of them. Some of these animals are tiny, while others are so large that you wouldnt even take the edge off their gigantic appetite if they caught you. 9. Frilled Shark When you see this sea animal, the first question you have to ask is, Does this fish still exist . The answer is YES The Frilled shark is known as the snake fish of the deep. Theyre, on the one hand, fascinating, and on the other terrifying. Frilled sharks have existed for millions of years, but they live far away from humans. 8. Argentavis Magnificens Have you ever seen a bird as big as a Cessna aircraft Over four million years ago, the skies of Argentina flooded with scary birds known as Argentavis Magnificens. The bird,