Gaza: Deteriorating conditions security for humanitarian aid delivery, United Nations Chief
Briefing by António Guterres, United Nations SecretaryGeneral, on the Impact of Climate Change and Food Insecurity on the Maintenance of International Peace and Security; during the Security Council, 9547th meeting. Speaking to reporters today (13 Feb) on the situation in Gaza, UN SecretaryGeneral, António Guterres, said, I am particularly worried with the deteriorating conditions and security for humanitarian aid delivery in Gaza. He added, there is a breakdown in public order. The SecretaryGeneral continued, at the same time, we have restrictions imposed by Israel that are not improving and limit humanitarian distribution. On the other hand, the deconflicting mechanisms to protect humanitarian aid delivery in relation to humanitarian operations are not effective. And so, my sincere hope is that negotiations for the release of hostages and some form of cessation of hostilities to be successful to avoid an all out offensive over Rafah, where the core of the huma