Picking The Right Citrus For Every Recipe The Big Guide, Epicurious
Join Chef Adrienne Cheatham for a deep dive into everything youd ever need to know about working with citrus in the kitchen. From the origins of each cultivar to using the right variety for every occasion, Chef Adrienne breaks it all down, giving you the knowledge and confidence needed to unleash your inner fruit ninja. 0:00 Introduction 0:19 Navel Orange 0:35 A Brief Note On Crossbreeding 2:05 Moro Blood Orange 3:33 Seville Sour Orange 4:19 A Brief Note On Seeds 5:23 Bergamot 6:53 Citron 8:03 Buddhas Hand 9:12 Lime 10:43 Lemon 10:57 A Brief Note On Fruit Seasons 12:08 Finger Lime 12:56 Meyer Lemon 14:16 Pomelo 15:13 Red Grapefruit 15:41 A Brief Supreme Tutorial 16:27 Mandarin 17:27 Kishu Mandarin 18:07 Satsuma Mandarin 19:15 Kumquat 20:20 Calamondin 21:44 Conclusion Still havent subscribed to Epicurious on YouTube ABOUT EPICURIOUS Browse thousands of recipes and videos from Bon Appétit, Gourmet, and more. Find inventive cooking ideas, ingre